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Research team VIOR

Research Director and Contact:

  • Dra. Mª del Carmen Martínez Rodríguez (CSIC Researcher)

Other team members:

  • Dr. José Luis Santiago Blanco – (CSIC Tenured Scientist)
  • Dra. Susana Boso Alonso – (Hired Researcher)
  • Dra. Pilar Gago Montaña – (Hired Researcher)

Technical staff

  • Elena Zubiaurre Murua – (Technical College of technical and professional activities)

Research director and contact

Dra. Mª del Carmen Martínez Rodríguez

Dra. Mª del Carmen Martínez Rodríguez

CSIC Researcher

(Carballo-Cangas del Narcea, Asturias, 1961). Doctor in Biology (USC). She began her career as a scientist in Viticulture in 1986, at the Institute of Agrobiological Research of Galicia (CSIC). In 1993 she moved to Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC). She completed her Postdoctoral training at ENTAV-Le Grau du Roi y ENSAM-Montpellier (France) (1994-1997). Titular Scientist in 1999 and Scientific Researcher in 2009. She founded the Viticulture group in 1999. In 2012 she promoted the research of autochthonous Galician and in 2017 about Antique cultivated Roses, being the group renamed as “Grupo de Viticultura, Olivo y Rosa”.

Other team members:

Dr. José Luis Santiago Blanco

Dr. José Luis Santiago Blanco

CSIC Tenured Scientist

(Panamá, 1974). Doctor in Biology (USC, 2004). Perhaps his interest on la Viticulture was already written in his genes, since his roots lie in the wine/growing region of O Ribeiro (Ourense). In March 2000 he started his scientific stage in the CSIC. Postdoctoral training at HBLAuBA Klosterneuburg (Wien und Obstbau), Langenzersdorf, Austria. Titular Scientist since 2009, assigned to the Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC). He extended his research to the autochthonous Galician Olive (2012) and Antique cultivated Rose (2017).

Dra. Susana Boso Alonso

Dra. Susana Boso Alonso

Hired Researcher

(Orense, 1975). Doctor in Biology, Doctoral thesis extraordinary award. Master in Viticulture and Enology. Two-year postdoctoral training in Germany 
(Staatliches Weinbauinstitut). Extensive experience in the subject of Vine, with more tan 20 years of research, especially in the subject of diseases. She defines herself as passionate about her work, a privileged person, who can develop her work within the complex field of the research. With a clear motto, bring research closer to the everyday world and with the daily motivation to find effective solutions to real problems.

Dra. Pilar Gago Montaña

Dra. Pilar Gago Montaña

Hired Researcher

(Touro, A Coruña, 1978). Agricultural Technical Engineer, specialized in Horticulture and Gardening (2000) and Agricultural Engineer (2004) (USC). European Doctor in Plant Production (USC). She has several research stays in national and international centers. She has participated in public and private projects and she is the author of several scientific and divulgation publications. She has also participated in the creation of divulgation scientific contents and in the organization and exposure of different dissemination activities.

Technical staff

Elena Zubiaurre Murua

Elena Zubiaurre Murua

Technical College of technical and professional activities

(Mendaro, 1976). She started her career in the Misión Biológica de Galicia, as Technical assistant in 2004. In February 2013, she got a position as Technical College of Technical and professional activities.